Once arrived he went to the Jesuit house of Santa Fe to complete his theology studies and was employed as well at the Jesuit residence as sacristan, porter, infirmarian and cook and was dispatched for his tertianship to the new house of the Jesuits at Tunja. They saw and they believed. If the slaves complained of ill treatment, the indignant saint spared no words in admonishing the guilty owners to correct their faults. This, then was their couch, a very uncomfortable one not only for that reason, but especially because they were naked, without any clothing to protect them. He drew them by his humility and his Christlikeness. Many of the narratives both of the heroism and extraordinary wonders worked by Peter Claver concern his nursing of sick and diseased slaves, in circumstances often no one else, black or white, could face. It was Father Claver. The saint entered, but he was at once so overwhelmed with the loathsome stench and the repellent sight that he recoiled and took a step back. In that way we covered a space to which we at last transferred the sick, by forcing a passage through bands of slaves. St. Peter obtained his first degrees at the University of Barcelona. In a short while, when these poor creatures were fattened up a little and washed, they would be auctioned off in the market place and sometimes end up far away. One Turkish galley slave had resisted Clavers pleadings for over twenty years when the saint heard that a sickness had put him at deaths door. Saint Paul, who never actually condemned slavery as such, nevertheless elevated the slave as equal in Gods eyes to the free, thereby inflicting slavery with a mortal wound. Brother Nicolas was downstairs and heard a noise from the upstairs room where Claver was bedded. These blacks had come from a depraved, idolatrous, and cruel civilization. To protect themselves, the citys inhabitants, with the added muscle of the slaves, built huge sixty-foot-thick walls to repel such attacks. Having finished his first Novitiate, Claver was sent to study philosophy on the College of Montesion (Mount Sion) in the city of Palma on the island of Majorca. One by one, the religious and the Negroes clasped his feet, which were giving off such a heavenly fragrance, and bathed them with their kisses. The animal took him swiftly all right when, for some strange reason (some witnesses felt the horse was temporarily bewitched), the gentle horse suddenly bolted, galloping wildly through the streets. Nor could anyone console him until he had restored the interpreter to health. So filthy did the cloak become that, in a days labor, it would have to be washed seven times. In truth, it was a blessed form of servitude for those eighteen Negroes. Alphonsus is accused of firing-up in Claver the idea of going to the help of unfortunates who were without spiritual ministrations in the colonies of the New World. Amen. The magnificent Main Altar is the result of a pledge made by grateful parishioners who made a promise to St. Joseph. The medal had the Holy Name of Jesus on one side and of Mary on the other. That melancholic countenance was first stamped upon him when he was introduced to the real world of human misery. Spain brought a cease to trafficking in slaves in 1850. There were times when he even raised the dead with it. These unscrupulous adventurers were among those forces of her majestys seamen who were also in the habit of stealing Spanish galleons, laden with Negroes, and transporting them to Englands North American colonies. He gulped his final breath of air lying in the arms of his confessor. Claver plunged himself, body and soul, into relieving the blacks in their dreadful circumstance. His outstanding charity led him to fulfill everyone's spiritual needs and combat their moral misery. This life of St. Peter Claver is brought out in order to stimulate vocations to the Negro Missions, which even now have the characteristics of Claver's vocation. A rich merchant once called him to his house to give the sacraments to a dying Negro who was one mass of ulcers. But then, America did not give up on the idea. Peter Claver reached stature as a saint of God having watched closely a leader in this work, Father Alfonso de Sandoval, a great Jesuit missionary who spent forty years in the service of the slaves, and after working under him, Peter Claver, having reached a spiritual pinnacle in his own self-understanding, declared himself "the slave of the Standing out as one of the more stupendous of Father Clavers miracles was the affair of the raising of the slave-girl Agustina, who served one of the good padres closest friends, Captain de Villalabos. Saint Peter's Mount consists of limestone, which is called 'mergel' in Limburg. In 1853, Ignatius Strecker, a native of Germany, arrived in St. Louis, Missouri, with his wife and nine children. As the transplanted Africans struggled to comprehend the evil that had befallen them, their intrinsic spiritual natures discovered something unique in America they had not seen before a fully articulated ritual relationship with the Supreme Being, who was pictured in the book Christians called the Bible not just as Creator and Ruler, but also as the God of History, a God who lifted up and cast down nations and peoples. John Asare-Dankwah ran the St Peter Claver church in New Orleans' historic Treme neighborhood from 2014 until early 2021, when a lawsuit alleging that he raped a boy on an out-of-state overnight trip years earlier prompted church officials to indefinitely suspend him from his role. People who were so horribly afflicted that they were actually shunned by their fellow lepers. All the six occupants were from Bongaigaon diocese and were killed after a truck rammed into it at Sumer, Ri Bhoi, on Sunday evening. Nor can we overlook the heroic work of the eight Jesuit martyrs of North America, who were contemporaries of our South American saint, as were all the above mentioned, except for Francis Xavier. Fr. On September sixth, two Negroes carried Father Claver to the chapel where he received Holy Communion with the devotion of a seraph. And did not Jesus assure us, of such is the kingdom of God? Into these yards Peter Claver plunged with medicines and food, bread, brandy, lemons, tobacco to distribute among them, some of whom were too frightened, others too ill to accept them. This last mentioned convict was executed by strangulation. He was found dead in his home on Saturday afternoon, February 18. Those who were baptized looked beautiful and happy, while those who were not, looked ugly and were about to be gobbled up by hideous monsters from hell. They then sent him to Barcelona for his theology studies and after two years were, at his further request, chosen to represent the province of Aragon at the mission of Spanish Jesuits being sent to New Granada. To Cartagena, flatteringly known as the Pearl of the Indies, all kinds of adventurers found their way. Finally, after a third petition, approval was granted. Nevertheless, the routine was degrading enough to bring death at sea every year to about five thousand Negroes, and the infamous trade went on for about two hundred years. City magistrates ordered that he should be buried at public expense and with great pomp. To the masters and slave owners Claver appealed for physical and spiritual justice, for their own sakes no less than for that of their slaves. Justice delivers his body to death, thereby to save his soul I have sinned, O my God My greatest grief is that I cannot repent sufficiently to compensate for my offenses against Thee. Every criminal, who had to go to his execution in Clavers Cartagena, went with the holy man of God right by his side. After receiving this wonderful grace, he spoke these remarkable words: There is no other law than that of Jesus Christ, in which I purpose to live and die. A handsome supply of which was hung upon the back if his confessional; for others that the saint felt had enough of a penance to bear (the crippled, the lame, the aged, the destitute), he had more pleasant gifts: Rosary beads, or fruits, sweets, and similar delicacies. Nothing in Clavers scholastic training, outside of a sincere heart, prepared him for what he would meet on the docks, in the holes of ships and in the slave markets. Claver took to the country missions in the spring. The beauty of the world; that thus I may with joy and courtesy go on my way. As the slaves were at length allotted and sent off to the mines and plantations, Claver could only appear to them for the last time with renewed earnestness, for he would be able to keep in touch with only very few of them. However, the consideration of the problem of his wife and family, who would resent the temporal loss that would go with his renouncing of the Church of England, prevented the weak man from doing his duty to God right away, though he did promise to do so before he died. Wahlberg who was born in Boston, Massachusetts, is a practicing Catholic. There he graduated with distinction and after receiving the minor orders of the Church, determined to offer himself to the Society of Jesus (SJ) or popularly known as, the Jesuit Order. Cartagena needed a saint. And for two months they had heard nothing but abusive speech. When he was only thirteen, his mother Ana died, and within the same month his twenty-year-old brother followed her to the grave. Then Jesus himself will say that he came into the world to make us, too, partake in the unity between him and the Father (cf. Whenever the saintly doorkeeper heard someone knock, his face would light up and he would utter this holy ejaculation, Lord, I shall open the door to You for love of You. And, with an enthusiasm that could be no greater if it were Jesus Himself waiting, he would keep repeating as his lean and bent body strode down the corridor, I go, Lord, I go, Lord.. Then he fell to his knees by her bed and prayed for an hour. A number of other Englishmen followed his example. His king was Philip II, and his spiritual Father in Rome was Pope Sixtus V. Misfortune hit him hard and early. Permission was not at first granted and Claver was ordered instead to return to the college at Barcelona for more study in theology. Answered Prayers The magnificent Main Altar is the result of a pledge made by grateful parishioners who made a promise to St. Joseph. In 1537, when the enslaving of the Indians was still more common than that of the blacks, this Pontiff thundered out in indignation. There were others who could solve the problem of slavery; Claver was concerned about the slaves. The St. Peter Claver Roman Catholic Church records house the institutional records of the St. Peter Claver Roman Catholic Church of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The Blessed Peter Claver was born at Verdu in Catalonia in the year 1581, of parents eminent for piety and virtue, who instilled like qualities into his infant heart from the very cradle. Always he spoke of God He was humble. Cannot charity traverse seas already opened by cupidity?. Suddenly the bearded padre would appear like an avenging angel, whip in hand (the same one he applied unmercifully to himself), and he descended on the wicked party with wrath, terrifying the guilty, and carrying off the devils spoils- i.e., drums or other instruments. Aiding and abetting slavery was the inability of the European mind-set to process and receive and deem worthy the dignity of black skin. The saint allowed it, provided it was decent, but quite often the temptation got the better of them to overdo it, and it more often than not led to promiscuity. One day close to his very last, as he lay in his cell, the saint heard a great deal of rejoicing in the residence. By far the greatest damage the devil suffered from Father Claver was in the confessional, though some of us may cringe when we consider his methods of extracting vice. While he preached, he suffered. In America it was spawned by an inordinate love for money and its material benefits. Thus the ordeal of being captured by another tribe, sold to European merchants, transported through a horrendous middle passage and ultimately enslaved as a marketable object in the New World -- these were events that were a radical rupture of ones entire spirit, soul and universe. But, if some disadvantaged Negro in now in heaven, because this tyrannical Father Claver made an occasion of sin less available to him, and, on the other hand, some Spaniard is burning forever in hell because luring near occasions were for him more accessible, you be the judge who was the more fortunate. Much as men are willing to forgive those, who wrong them, yet they' never . He found employment in a local soap factory. Saint Melania, a wealthy Roman matron, freed her 8,000 slaves at once. Federal Tax Identification Number: 81-0596847. Episode 362: Virgo Post Partum: A Married Virgin? The saint made it so simple for their confused and despairing consciences that not one of Cartagenas condemned criminals went to his execution unrepentant. Even in sickness he would not ease up. Your Catholic Voice Foundation has been granted a recognition of tax exemption under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. He had felt the nails, he had habitually endured the bitterness of lifes vinegar and gall, he had been mocked; but as yet Claver was never alone. These slave needed a cause for joy real joy and now! The science of the school of Peter Claver was the art of dealing with pain, and of knowing its worth. During the time that the blacks spent in the sheds, they were penned so closely that they had to sleep almost upon one another and, thereby, freely handed on their diseases nonetheless, Claver was seen caring for the bodies of the sick and the souls of all. How difficult was his task in teaching is shown by the fact that at baptism each batch of ten catechumens was given the same name to help them to remember it. Having finished this, his foremost priority, he turned his attention to the others. One might call him, though I dont like the term, an ordinary boy- quite above the ordinary intellectually- a little below average personality-wise, though very likable and modest. Saint Peter Claver Church was established in 1931 to serve the African American community of greater Montclair, New Jersey. For two months, these blacks had been chained and shackled below deck in a floating hell, the men in one compartment, the women in another. A sign of new things over the horizon was registered in the coined term The New World. Immediately he set out to help them, taking with him a free Negress named Magdalena, who used to collect alms in the city for the saint to distribute. It was their privilege to be the slaves of the slave of slaves. That is why Saint Peter Claver traveled such a lonely road. The major contagion was smallpox; but others. The Africans and Indians arranged for a Mass of their own to which the Spanish authorities were invited; the church was ablaze with lights, a special choir sang and an oration was delivered by the treasurer of the church of Popayan, where the diaries say of the speaker no other preacher was more diffuse on the virtues, holiness, heroism and stupendous miracles of Father Claver.. One day, after offering a funeral Mass for one of these converts, he decided to visit the obstinate patient. Claver made use of pictures, in accordance with standard catechetical pedagogy of the time, showing our Lord suffering on the cross for them; above all did he try to instill in them some degree of self respect, to give them at least some idea that as redeemed human beings they had dignity and worth, even if as slaves they were outcast and despised. For here dwelt the living dead- the very pit of human misery. There were times when the streets of Cartagena and other more viable settlements would flow with blood from such cruel assaults. Somehow Claver managed to get out of bed and don a cassock, and the next minute his frail and bent figure, with cane in hand, shuffled up to his successor. St. Peter Claver. The Miracle That Led To St. Peter Claver's Canonization. A Sister of St. Peter Claver. After receiving the last sacraments he recovered slightly but he was never the same. We must speak to them with our hands before we speak to them with our lips.. Civil authorities, among his harshest critics, who had looked askance at his solicitude for mere slaves and the clergy who had called his zeal indiscrete now vied with one another to honor his memory. Absentee Line: (07) 3810 5950 The man of God scourged himself three times nightly: before prayer, before retiring, and after rising. He had a steady confidence that God would care for them and, not his least worry were the slave owners whom he did not deem beyond the mercy of God. In a second, a priest opened it. To all he brought the comforts of the sacramental religion. These heroic acts of sublime love for his neighbor were by no means natural to Claver. Fruits, preserves, and sweet-cakes were distributed to give them strength, and wines and liquors were given them to numb their pain and drive out their extreme despondency. Diei 31 maii 1627 ad Superiorem suum data: edit. Again the gruesome routine began, washing their infections, kissing their sores, bandaging their wounds, even sweeping up their hovels. A year later he was ordained. It didnt come quickly. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus (outside the Church there is no salvation). Claver showed them that they were loved even more than they were abused, and that divine love must not be outraged by evil ways, by cruelty and lust. The fever of discovery proved, unfortunately, the beginning of the extermination of the native peoples. It reached its climax in a pilgrimage to the beloved Spanish shrine of the Black Virgin of Montserrat. They were especially amazed at the devoutness of the Catholic soldiers. He also exercised an apostolate among the traders, the sailors and others whom he found in this hospital, Claver also brought about the conversion of an Anglican dignitary, represented to be an archdeacon of London, whom he met when visiting prisoners-of-war on a ship in the harbor. He studied the science of the saints at the feet of this lay brother. As a student, he was noted for his intelligence . St. Peter Claver's work came to an end with his death on September 8, 1654. Copyright 2022 Catholic Online. Only three times in those four years of his last tribulation did he leave the monastery. In the hospital of Saint Sebastian Claver was also able to convert back to the Faith many Dutchmen who had been badly wounded in battle. Having baptized the dying and given his first attentions to the sick, the black-robed angel of mercy gathered all the slaves together and begun to speak to them of God. In fact, with them it was a real point of honor not to give in to Clavers exhortations. Extra ecclesiam nulla salus (outside the Church there is no salvation). In teaching his pupils religion he loved to use pictures. Until death.. Late in 1861, a sharp piece of iron bruised his chest, resulting in . As his faithful friend and companion, Brother Nicholas, helped him into a bed, the saint moaned, This sickness is the reward for my sins. Christians were ambivalent about these sentiments. Claver would never recover from this illness. Despite Father Clavers agonizing condition, the brutal attendant, when he had to dress him for a visit to the chapel, would shove him around with no sense of delicacy, yanking the aching victim here and there in frustration, as he clumsily clothed him. The slaves were disembarked, and found to be routinely chained and roped together and shut up in the yards where crowds came to watch them, idle gazers wrote Father de Sandoval, drawn by curiosity and careful not to come too close. Hundreds of men, women and children who had been for several weeks shut up without even the care given to cattle in the ships hold, were now fatigued, ill or dying, herded together in a confined space in a climate that was unwholesome from dampness and heat. All they could muster was to protest and devote themselves to individual ministrations, physical, spiritual and material, to the tens of thousands of suffering human beings brought to these shores. Settling the New World and stealing from that New World brought with it the necessity of cheap labor, human labor . Benedict XIV lashed out against it in 1741; Pius VII did the same in 1815. People who truly love God never put on artificial airs of piety, folding their hands and bowing their heads, while they shun sinners as if they were to be despised. The son of a Catalonian farmer, was born at Verdu, in 1581; he died on the 8th of September, 1654. The fleet of three galleons set sail on April 10, 1610. Africa was literally exploding in violence. Both these hospitals Claver visited each week, waiting on the patients in their material needs and bringing hardened sinners to penitence. To feel the bite of chains clasped upon them and to be shoved into the dark belly of a floating monster, not knowing what fate awaited them. Asare-Dankwah, 62, has denied the rape accusation. In 1602 he entered the Society of Jesus. Peter Claver reached stature as a saint of God having watched closely a leader in this work, Father Alfonso de Sandoval, a great Jesuit missionary who spent forty years in the service of the slaves, and after working under him, Peter Claver, having reached a spiritual pinnacle in his own self-understanding, declared himself the slave of the Negroes forever. Although, by nature shy and lacking to degree self confidence, Claver threw himself into the work and pursued it with enthusiasm, method and organization. Facilitating this trafficking in human cargo was the reasoning that blacks were in most if not all instances culturally and essentially inferior. St. Peter Claver. Here he would find them some kind of shelter and nurse them, bringing them food and medicine. The saint refused to rest until he had thoroughly expurgated these unholy interferences which, among the slaves, were always connected with the sin of drunkenness. In addition, African chiefs easily bartered away to the white traders their criminals, those captured in war, the mentally unstable, and the sick and other social misfits. They provided no religious instruction or ministration for their slaves, no alleviation of their physical condition, so that the sacrament of baptism became to the slaves, unfortunately, a sign and symbol of their oppression and wretchedness instead of their salvation. All these poor creatures had, was a fire-and-brimstone Jesuit, and he wanted to save them from an eternal misery. At the end of the Masses, a group of distinguished men approached the casket. Was Performed at the Shrine of St. Joseph in St. Louis, MO. There were government officials, businessmen, merchants, seamen, miners, plantation owners, engineers and middlemen whose lives profited from this nefarious trade; among them Jews and Christians of various denominational traditions who rationalized this sordid enterprise. Sometimes a hasty unkind word or some latent jealousy was enough to change allies, friends, or even blood relatives into hateful enemies ready to do battle. A St. Peter Claver Catholic Church member burns incense as a part of the church's first Senor de Los Milagros (Lord of Miracles) celebration procession in Tyler on streets near the church. Nor was the saint known to into ecstasies at the altar. The other priests would then carry him to his cell where, when he revived, the saint would refresh himself with a good scourging and some mental prayer. Her body began to move. They all had souls to save. He became the prophet and miracle worker of New Granada, the oracle of Cartagena, and all were convinced that often God would not have spared the city save for him. He prayed, slept, walked, labored, and preached in them for forty long years. While studying philosophy at Majorca, the young religious was influenced by St. Alphonsus Rodriguez to go to the Indies and save "millions of perishing souls.". Guest: Sister Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M. Owing to the scarcity of priests who go to preach His name; what tears are not called for at the sight of so many people straying in the wilderness because there is no one to guide them. It would be a tangent too labor-some for the continuity of this article to demonstrate at any length how forcefully and wisely the Catholic Church has handled the slavery problem throughout its history. v. 16). Claver was a man who knew pain and knew its value. Heartfelt Condolences to Fatima Sister Fr. He was born in 1580 in a little town of Spain called Verdu in the diocese of Solfona and he was baptized Peter. The novice was extremely devoted to the Blessed Mother and particularly fond of this shrine. Here he had more opportunities, even than in the slave pens, to satisfy has craving to love the unlovable. Cartagena was hit with five major epidemics during Clavers apostleship (1615-1654). When the Jesuits finally succeeded in establishing a proper place for the body in the church, the Augustinians came and took over the exhausting job of guarding the casket. The Story of Saint Peter Claver, Apostle of Slaves A disciple of Saint Alphonse Rodriguez, Peter Claver became a slave of the slaves in order to take them to heaven. He, his wife, and daughter settled in St. Joseph's Parish in St. Louis, Missouri. In 1853 Ignatius Strecker had brought his family from Germany to the United States, and in 1861 he was working at St. Louis in a soap factory. One thing the Negroes had a craving for was dancing. Some of their fellow countryman insulted both the converts and the priests, but the good Fathers patience and obvious holiness soon won them. Then he would go unperturbed into a more remote area in order to console the more pathetic cases. With the help of a tile we pulled some live coals together and placed them in the middle near the dying men. Of course, more often than not he made use of much more religious means of intercession, such as relics, holy water (a sacramental that the saint never tired of sprinkling everywhere) and a rough-hewn cross of maple. An abominable situation indeed, from the black side, no less than from the white. Peter Claver was born in 1581 to a devout farming family in the Catalonia region of Spain. I was able to track down the . 10 Old Ipswich Road. Protect Your Family Resources News VIDEO NOW AVAILABLE: Dismantling Systemic Racism in America February 27, 2023 As the saying goes, only love can afford to be severe. He also shares if he still wakes up in the middle of the night and why he moved with his family to Nevada. We have before us a most extraordinary saint- unquestionably the most extraordinary saint who ever walked this earth. As he was being carried back to his room he said to one of the brothers, I am going to die; what do you desire of me in the next life? That you recommend this city and house to God, answered the brother. He was sent to study at the University of Barcelona. T he second miracle took place in St. Louis. The vicar general of the diocese officiated at the funeral. St. Peter Claver was canonized in 1888 by Leo XIII, along with Alphonsus Rodriguez. His feast day is celebrated on September 9th. Clavers dearest benefactress, the Martha of his apostolate, Dona Isabel de Urbina, would prepare the dishes for these delightful festivals of charity. Not long afterwards, at two oclock, while the assembled community invoked the names of Jesus and Mary, he sweetly surrendered his faithful soul to God. I am sorry for having sinned against thee. 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Kay County Police Reports, Dead Body Found In Union City, Ca, Articles S