Ese chele te anda buscando.That white guy is looking for you. **Submitting this feedback to the company**To review the 'change' process for a project to ensure it allows for a second review before finalization. According to the Cambridge Dictionary, slang is very informal language that is usually spoken rather than written, used especially by particular groups of people.. Luis F. Domnguez is a freelance writer and independent journalist interested in travel, languages, art, books, history, philosophy, politics and sports. Learn More. definitions. This article contains a discussion by Tripadvisor members concerning the above topic. Some of the languages are currently extinct (and here they are marked with the sign ). Used between friends jokingly. 100% recommended. As soon as you approve our quote, we get in touch with the right translators and proofreaders and we start working on your project in minutes! Unlike other services, we provide translations of even lesser-known languages. We select the best translators and proofreaders the document to be translated. Pincelear: Andar a pie, caminar muchoPingino: HeladoPintoso: Llamativo, bien vestidoPisto: DineroPistudo, o de pisto: Adinerado, Pitero: ArmadilloPito: BocinaPoner al hilo: Poner al tantoPonerse coyote: Ponerse alerta, Porrazo: GolpePotra: Juego informal de ftbol, en lacallePucha! The White House plans to spend $4 billion over four years in the region. The most common and recognized word of Hawaiian is Aloha. Yuca expresses something thats difficult. You can get a document or text translated without having to leave your house. We are in the translation industry for many . if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'omniglot_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_3',124,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-omniglot_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); Note: all links on this site to, and are affiliate links. HiNative can help you find that answer you're looking for. The younger generations use it as a cute way to refer to their friends. Qu pedo. Why not get in touch with us for a free quote? Its geographical location is between the western departments of Honduras, as they are: Lempira, Intibuc, La Paz, also they are in smaller quantity in the central departments of Santa Barbara, Comayagua Department, Francisco Morazn Department and Valley. It was a story as old as time. The Spanish introduced the Roman Catholic faith and the Spanish dialect which is now the main . Below is a massive list of honduran words - that is, words related to honduran. Offering services internationally means that we are not bound by time zones. Platicar to enjoy talking a lot. It can be used to end a phone conversation. I needed my birth certificate translated the night before my interviewed with USCIS and they were very efficient with the rush request I placed. Tower of Babel, Other collections of Garifuna phrases Information about Garifuna | They even had the format exactly the same! 5 casaca/casaquero: lie/lier - you are really lier- Tu si eres casaquero Usted es la peor maestra del mundo You are the worst teacher in the world. Trabalengua literally means to work the tongue.. Body partsHondurans have additional words to parts of the body. Some words are pronounced in the same way but carry different meanings. They were more than willing to retranslate it and it turned out amazing! It is because of the hard work of the linguistic experts that the world hasnt become a huge war zone. So I submitted the proper proof of spelling with other documents and sent it off. Our workforce comprises of proficient linguists with specializations in various languages. This is one of those words that is really only used with best friends since it can be considered derogatory if used in other contexts. It is also a pretty useful tool in the healthcare industry where it lets patients get the second opinion from a foreign doctor easily. 2. Andar hule: Andar con poco dinero o sin nada / broke, no money. I do give them five stars. It may have been moved, or removed altogether. Due to using a highly efficient project management software which allows us to connect live with all our translators and tremendously improves our workflow, we have some of the lowest rates in the market. We have become a very successful company that provides universal language services who is highly experienced in their field of expertise. For example take the TR combination in triste and just repeat tr, tr, tr, tr, tr. A price for the translation was received fast and the delivery of the certified translation was perfect. cheto- A woman shaped like a pear is 'cheto'. Conflict resolution is the most significant advantage of translation. They are located on the northern coast of Honduras. Five stars are not enough to review the amazing services they provide. Find the answer you're looking for from 45 million answers logged! If you have worked with one then you would know that they dont always operate the way you want them to. Maje. Andar buzo: Andar alerta buscando algo / being alert. But great service. Naturally, I choose Universal Translation Services for the low price of $20. (112,087 sq. I received the first draft first thing in the morning the next business day and after a minor correction my translated copy has an exact format including logos and signature in English. [News] Hey you! This is why people need international translation services from time to time. There is something scary about going to a place where no one knows you. This is why translation offices need to be set up at different places so those in need can get a translation easily. I dropped off at the office the documents and withing 10 minutes I received a quote and picked up the translation the next day. Phrases Speak like a native Useful phrases translated from English into 28 languages. Elena is of great help. The arts and cultural center is another attraction. Since so much slang comes from the LGBTQ+ community, these words and phrases will help you know what's going on around you. Tambin usamos saludos informales para Sign up for premium, and you can play other user's audio/video answers. Looking for phrases related to the word honduran? The one learning a language! The owner of it will not be notified. A translation business working at a global level has more resources in terms of both staff and technology, allowing them to provide faster and more accurate services. We offer a 24-hour service without any extra cost, we do not have any rush job rates or any extra to add on. The words at the top of the list are the ones most associated with honduran, and as you go down the relatedness becomes more slight. Very responsive.. answered all my questions and fixed what I needed on the paper easily. nouns. With Universal Translation Services you no longer have to wait until a suitable translator is found. It is hard to earn the trust of masses. Great company and provided me the translation quickly. What about the quality? sentences. They use the Honduran Sign Language to communicate. In El Paraso, it was called the language of the "Chatos" and "Sules" of that Honduran department. Ive put together this list of useful Honduran slang words for you, organized in categories according to their meaning. It is used universally by everyone, but the type of it varies from region to region. If you want a truly high-grade, dependable and accurate translation service, Universal Translation Services can provide you with that. Not robots replyingI was in a hurry to get a certified birth certificate translation from Chinese to English. Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Contact Us 2022 HSA. Hondurans respond with a la orden as a way of saying youre welcome. Literally it means at your order. The expression is respectful and other-focused, reflecting much of the generous character of Hondurans. I will certainly use your service again when I need it. It is an extinct language of the Misumalpan languages that was the main language of the central highlands of the republic of Nicaragua and of the department of El Paraso in The Republic of Honduras. With the help of linguistic experts, people can talk about whatever problems they have with someone. Has difficulty understanding even short answers in this language. They are also member of the American Translators Association. Popular synonyms for Honduran and phrases with this word. Useful phrases in Garifuna. In Spanish, every country has its own slang words, which is how we have Mexican slang, Central American slang, and, yes, Honduran slang. In the twenty-first edition, in 1992, there were 302. We never charge rush rates. With one or two native languages spoken by the professional translator, youll have the capability to reach clients all over the world. Orquidea brasovola. Questions are free! Despite the obligatory nature of schooling in Honduran legislature, the execution of education is rather poor: as of 2009, 1/4 of all Hondurans are unable to read or write Spanish, let alone . What are some slang words commonly used in Honduras? The translators work will always be checked by a second translator who is going to double-check the work of the translator by comparing the source with the target text. and, as such, some of the information contained herein may be outdated and cannot be Cules son los fundamentos? There are many advantages in dealing with an international translation company instead of a local one. It can be either a strict person or a tough situation. If you visit Honduras in the future, learning Honduran slang will enable you to integrate into the country and communicate in the language spoken by locals. The people live by trade and industry. Traditional_Load4799 8 mo. It is used especially between women. / how much is it?A mil: A toda velocidad / at full speedA pata: Caminando, a pie / walking (to)A todo mecate: A toda velocidad / at full speedA vuelta de rueda: Extremadamente despacio / going really slowAcabado: Sin dinero / broke, no moneyAgarrado: Avaro, tacao / cheap (person)Agarrar para.. Dirigirse a../ go toAgevado: Avergonzado / ashamedAhi nos vidrios: Despedida, de "ahi nos vemos" / see you laterAndar a pincel: Andar sin vehculo, a pi / walkingAndar aguja, o andar ylet: Andar con mucho cuidado / being careful Andar buzo: Andar alerta buscando algo / being alertAndar con filo: Tener hambre / hungryAndar hule: Andar con poco dinero o sin nada / broke, no moneyAndar piano: Andar con mucho cuidado / being carefulAnimala: Cosa / thingApuntarse: Acompaar a otros, hacer lo mismo / join, Bajar: Robar, quitar / steal, takeBarajarla ms despacio: Explicar con ms detalles / request more detailsBemba: Hocico, jeta / mouth, Bembn: De labios protuberantes,gruesosBojote: Bulto, Bolo: BorrachoBolulo: Pan blanco (La Ceiba), Bote: Crcel, presidioBfalo: 50 centavos (en la zona norte)Burra: Almuerzo de la clase trabajadora:tortilla con frijoles, huevo, y otros ingredientesopcionales como carne, etc.Caite: Sandalia, Cachar: Atrapar, capturarCachimbear: GolpearCachimbo: En gran cantidadCacho: CuernoCachureco: Militante del Partido Nacional, Cagarse: Asustarse muchoCampechano: AmigableCanecho: CangrejoCanilla: PiernaCasabe: Hecho de yuca, Catracho: HondureoCatrn: Bien vestidoChabacn: Alguien muy bromistaChacaln: Camarn de roChafarote: Polica, soldado, Chainear: Limpiar, sacar brilloChamba: Empleo, trabajoChambear: TrabajarChambn: Tarea mal hecha o mal acabada/ Alguien que no hace bien las cosas, Champa: Casa, techoChance: OportunidadCharamusca: Postre, refresco congelado en unabolsa plstica (en zona centro sur)Chascada: Porcin adicional que se recibegratis, Chepa: PolicaChepear: Copiar en un examenCheto: Muchacha bonita y provocativaChibola: Pelota, balnChich: Beb, Chign: Nio pequeoChilillo: Vara muy fina y flexible para castigara los niosChimar: RozarChimba: Arma de fuego de fabricacincaseraChimbo: Recipiente (cilindro) paraalmacenar gases a presin, China: Muchacha que cuida los cipotesChingar: Molestar, fastidiarChingo: Corto, pantaloncito cortoChinola: Betn para limpiar zapatosChiri: Batalln, ejrcito, Chiripn: Por buena suerteChivo: Juego de dadosChoco: Que no mira bienChola: CasaChoya: Pereza, desnimo, Chunche: CosaChotear: Darse cuenta, sorprender a alguienChua: DescalzoChupar: Beber licor, Chutear: PatearCinquito: Cinco centavosCipote: Nio, muchachoCoco: Inteligente, Codo: Avaro, tacaoCoger: Hacer el amorColarse: Entrar a un sitio sin serinvitado o sin pagarCon las antenas paradas: Escuchandoatento en forma disimulada, Conchudo: Abusivo, aprovechadoCoronela: Sobrenombre del Toyota LandCruiser, Coyote: IntermediarioCuchumbo: Fiesta o reunin donde seintercambian regalos en forma aleatoria; HomosexualCuero: Muchacha bonita, con buen cuerpoCumbo: Recipiente para llevar agua, Cususa: Aguardiente clandestinoCute: Buitre, zopiloteCutear: VomitarDaime: 20 centavos, Dar el palo: Romper una relacin sentimental olaboralDar en el clavo: AcertarDrselas de.. Presumir de..De cajn: ObvioDe seguro: Seguramente, Dejar cuche: Dejar a alguien atrapado obloqueadoDeschambado: Sin empleo, desempleadoDesmangado: A toda velocidadDespupusado: A toda velocidad, Dos cuetazos: RpidoDundo: AtontadoElote: Mazorca de maiztiernoEncaramar: Subir, Encachimbado: EnojadoEnculado: EnamoradoEnsuciar: Hacer hecesEstanco: Cantina, Estar hasta los queques: Estar muycomprometido, endeudado, o sin tiempo disponibleFicha: Centavo; algo depoco valorFilo: HambreFinca: Complejo de produccin agrcolaFondearse: Dormirse, Fregado: Un tipoFregar: Entorpecer / Lavar los platosFresco: Refresco embotelladoGallo: Bueno, expertoGrueso: Bastante, en gran cantidadGuacal: Recipiente hecho del fruto de lajcaraGuachimn: VigilanteGuarizama: MacheteGuaro: AguardienteGuevn: HaragnGicho: Sin o con pocos dientesGuineo: Banano (en la zona norte)Gir: Contraccin de "voy a ir"Girro: NioHacer chanchullo: HacertrampaHacer clavo: Denunciar, estorbarHacerse bolas: ConfundirseHacerse el fuerte: Lograr el objetivo oquedarse con las cosas abusando de los demsHacerse el loco: Presumir ignoranciaHasta el copete: HartoHecho porra: Desanimado, enfermo,cansadoHijo de papi y mami: Hijo de ricosHule: Con poco o nada de dinero, Ir hecho un cuete: Irexcesivamente rpidoIrse a la chingada: Irse lejosJaln: AventnJuma: Borrachera, Jura: Batalln, EjrcitoLa Compaa: En lamayora de los casos se refiere a la Tela Railroad Co. (Chiquita)o a la Standard Fruit Co. (Dole) que operan muchos camposbananeros en la costa norteLa mera riata: La mxima autoridadLa riata: Inepto, haragn, Llanta: Rollito de grasa que se forma en lacintura de la gente gordaLempira: Moneda nacionalLos Campos: Los campos bananeros en lacosta norteMacaneo: Escndalo, ria, Macanudo: Muy buena persona, excelenteMachangai: Camin de transporte para lagente pobre (zona norte)Maje: TontoMamo: Crcel, Manudo: Que recin a aprendido amanejarMara: PandillaMarimbazo: GolpeMaritates: Pertenencias, Marranada: Cosa inservibleMandadito: DcilMate: Amago, amenazaMayugado: Algo aplastado, Mecate: Soga, fabricada con fibravegetalMentar la madre: InsultarMeter la pata: Cometer una indiscrecin,un errorMnimo: Banano (en la zona centro sur), Minuta: Helado hecho con hielo picado y jarabede saboresMaules: Canicas, pelotitas de vidrioNacha o Natacha: TrabajadoraDomsticaNovelear: Andar distrado y no en lo que sedebeObrar: Hacerheces, Paila: Automoviltipo pick-upPajas: Bromas, inventosPajearse: No hacer nadaPalillona: Muchacha vistosamente ataviada queencabeza los desfiles, llevando "palillos" obastones, Pandear: DoblarPapa: Comida, almuerzoPapada: Cosa, asuntoPapo: Tonto, Pasada: AncdotaPatats: La muertePatn: De pie grandePedo: Asunto o problema. In rare cases when notarization is needed, our online notary public is always available to not only notarize our translations, but also to help you with any notarial services you may need. I mentioned I need them fast and they said they will do their best. The frequency data is extracted from the English Wikipedia corpus, and updated regularly. Open 24/7 to give a free quote in 5 minutes or less. Custom-tailored to fit your needs, you choose your program, schedule, favorite teachers, pace of learning, and more.. I definitely recommend it! However, if you contact them and give them time, they will fix the mistakes. He has written for Fodors, Yahoo!, Sports Illustrated, Telemundo, and Villa Experience, among other brands of print and digital media in Europe and North America. More than I could wish for.I had to translate my birth certificate for immigration purposes, and they did and OUTSTANDING JOB! A lot of small cities are not considered important simply because they dont have huge populations. Phrases with Honduran. La penn n'dayaan. spoken mainly in Honduras, and also in Belize, Guatamala and Nicaragua. UTS translations trasnlated my diplomas in the same day, from Spanish into English. Qu fresas estn tus zapatos!Those are some cool shoes you have! Lists. Thank you so much for all the efforts. They translated my high school degree from Spanish to English. Honduras is one of the poorest countries in Latin America and has one of the world's highest murder rates. Hi, you can read a lot of Honduran Slang here: https://www . canicas (lit. It simple means 'money', the standard word in Spanish being 'dinero'. Honduran Words. Language translation is not as simple as you might imagine. I dont have any money. Buenas noches. Free Worksheets. Cules son algunos smbolos nacionales de Honduras? This broken English gets its roots in French, english, and Spanish as well as a few words unique to the Garifuna culture. Aprob el examen de espaol. Qu Pepsi! I highly recommend Universal Translation Services and I would definitely use their service again when needed. incl lesser-known languages. Whats up The associates at UTS absolutely surpassed all expectations. Dont confuse this with the Mexican slang word used to talk about low-quality products. Our second office in the USA is in Aventura, North Miami. Use the words in this category to refer to la gente (people) in one way or another. Copyright 2019 Premier Executive Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. Thank you. We associate New Zealand with the Lord of the Rings and the majestic mountains we have seen in the trilogy. 9) Vaya Pues. Similarly, 64% of Hispanic adults are English proficient, as are 40% of Honduran adults. Eso es harina de otro costal. You can also find a translation company Aventura. "The Honduran version of wey" Simn, ahuevo "yes" Masiso, macanudo, pijudo, vergn. The word cumpleaos. I am totally amazed by their attention to details and accuracy. Some of the languages are poorly documented, however, it seems that all languages documented in Honduras can be classified with reasonable certainty. This time, I really needed the translation done asap and they were very understanding and helpful, and worked extra hard to have it done by my strict deadline. The lost puppy was a wet and stinky dog. 8) Bayunco. *** This is our PG-13 list of Spanish Insults - Click here for Spanish swear words and extreme insults. They delivered all on time and I even got the option to check my documents and deliver comments. Tirate a un poso Throw yourself in a hole. Everyone has stores and companies that they trust. 4) La riata = Someone who does nothing ( to get a job, homework, tidy up the hose) The University of Miami accepted the translations which were notarized just as easy. Carlos Pavn is a talented football player who is well-known for being the country's top-scorer. Regardless of the type of your documents such as birth certificates, educational transcripts, immigration papers, marriage papers to divorce agreements or any sort of document can easily be translated into another language fast and secure by using our expert online translation services. Chico/Chica. On top of certification, notarized translations are also available if needed. Honduras A country of northern Central America. Men embrace women similarly but use handshakes more commonly with other men. Our team consists of translators from all over the world who not only understand different languages but are highly qualified to translate them too. The Mayan script includes nearly 550 logograms and 150 syllabograms. Used as an informal goodbye, a passive-aggresive way of saying "OK then", an informal thank you. This means I earn a commission if you click on any of them and buy something. I needed a translation of my birth certificate from Malay to English. Imagining the earth to be without borders is useless, but thinking of it without cultural limitations is better because it is achievable. Honduran word. Belizean Kriol (Creole) is a beautiful language to listen to, practice, and try to make sense of. Convey your feelings in loved one's language with knowledgeable translators who convert the words in a target language while keeping the meaning of an original message. See how we deal with any project, from start to end. honduran words and phrases Posted at 01:07h in federal favorites capital one arena by swaddle me by your side sleeper, deluxe stanford marching band notre dame Likes To line-up with our affordable services, we charge some of the lowest rates in the US for certified translation and we guarantee acceptance at USCIS or any other legal office within the US. While Spanish is the official language, English is spoken universally. Jeanine Cummins, American Dirt. We regularly charge per word but talk to us as maybe we can give you a better price. But the same scary thing is exciting for many. And that order is kept by everyone doing their particular jobs. All rights reserved. Thank you for delivering the translation so fast. This is because of We offer highly accurate translation services at competitive rates in the US. All of us must play out part in keeping things the way they are and maintaining order. Spanish as the official language in twenty countries, eighteen of which are in Latin America. phrases. Outside business hours you can contact us by phone, email, live chat, or text message. Chele is a word used in Honduras to refer to white people. We will also break down some of the most popular slang per country so that you know what to say next time . Have a nice day! 100+ Basic Spanish Words and Phrases for Travelers, The Sweetest Guide to Valentines Day Vocabulary in Spanish, An Easy Vocabulary Guide to Describe the Post Office in Spanish, The Practical Guide to Math Vocabulary in Spanish, 55 False Cognates in Spanish That Will Kill Your Conversation. Really great service. Synonyms for Honduran (other words and phrases for Honduran). "What's up" Maje. They provided translation of a technical user manual from English to 4 languages of good quality, will use again. Hey dude, how are you? No tengo nada de pisto. Honduras definition, a republic in NE Central America. More than half of the population lives in poverty and per capita income is one of the lowest in the region. I received a quick reply, they did a good job. Great job! I had one page for translation. Recommended. Maje. Jump to phrases. Which is why international translation services should be everywhere so people dont have to go through too much trouble of finding an agency. All positive. Keep reading to discover 16 Honduran slang wordsalong with practical examples of how to use them. Perfect done. Immediate and satisfying reply! I am very happy with the work done by UTS! The free tool can be used online at any time, or you can have it added to your Chrome browser for convenience. Our main acceptance condition for a translator is that he should live or have lived in the country where his native language is spoken. A collection of useful phrases in Garifuna, an Arawakan language I had a death in the family and I needed a death certificate to be translated from French to English in less than 5 hours because I had an appointment at the passport agency (to get a same day passport) and this company was extremely professional and efficient in a timely matter. The principal grain of Mexico, before the introduction of tho?e from Europe, was maize, in the Mexican language called tluolli, of which there were ?everal kinds, different in ?ize, weight, colour, and ta?te. 3) Qu onda = what's up Honduran word {noun} volume_up. Mera pija something really cool , A) These words are not offensive: Sos pendejo You are a dumb Language in Roatan . With the help of our services, you can get over language barriers and communicate with others easily. Someone who is qualified and experienced in handling language problems can help those who have to deal with speakers of different vernaculars. Cheque! more. In this category I put together Honduran slang words that dont fit into any of the other categories but are still relevant and widely used. But sometimes we require a service that we had never needed in our life before. Red phone booths and tea remind us of the UK. Whats up If I did not use my friends company, I would have used Universal and I recommend them to others based off the great experience I have had being a first time user! It translates best to mean 'dude' in English or Guey in Mexican slang. Translation office in Aventura : - 20801 Biscayne Blvd, Suite 403, Aventura, Florida, 33180. Saturday became a cool, wet afternoon. 3) Pijudo,macanudo, vergn = cool Our automated translation tool is available for any and all to use. Usage: "That is" and "that is to say" can be used to add further detail to your explanation, or to be more precise. TEL : (305) 447-7110 NOW THAT IS IMPRESSIVE! A noun phrase consists of a noun and all its modifiers. Thats why we employ professional translators who are not only linguists and language maniacs, but also really well-informed at various topics. We offer accurate translations for businesses and for individuals at fair prices and you can always count on us for any linguistic needs you may have. Certainly, you have to be really good at languages that you use, but getting an accurate translation at a professional level is the main thing. adjective. Plata. Theres a party at Marias house, do you want to come? An international translator is someone who can help individuals understand each other despite the language gap. See more. They have lost their language and have adopted the Spanish language. People have different goals in life. Noun Phrases. Or just for fun, use them with friends. Our translators are able to translate any personal document (birth certificates, marriage and divorce certificates, diplomas and degrees), from any language into English. They call themselves "pech" which means "people," a term that is used to refer only to them; for the rest of the population they use the terms pech-aku (the other people) or bul that means ladino. The language of Kriol is influenced by English, Miskito and Mayan Native American languages, as well as West African and Bantu languages. At any given time, the Mayan language didn't make use of more than 600 glyphs, although the total variety of the glyphs reaches as high as 800. honduran rebels . Spanish Includes official and accepted business languages spoken in this country/economy. Another advantage in using a US translation company is that you also have the option to have your translation sent to you by regular mail, and youll receive it faster. Very happy with my translation. Universal Translation Services were fast, cheap, and incredibly professional. mi. Please take this into account when making your On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. But thankfully, we dont have to imagine that world. The Caribbean Sea washes its northern coast, the Pacific Ocean its narrow coast to the south. Ji koontaan. So a local might say, "Yo soy catracho." ("I am Honduran.") 2. General translations from and into English are only charged $0.10 per word, and certified translation for immigration will cost individuals only $20 per page. Thank you very much. If you're looking for names related to honduran (e.g. I'm serious. Like. We have a highly professional Spanish translation team with an excellent background which is able to provide translations for any documents or websites from and into Spanish, including certified translation. Very impressed for the price. Honduran Slang Words and Phrases Here is a long list of the most commonly used Honduran slang words. I definitely recommend their services. *List of Spanish insults last updated: March 9, 2018. We'll cover popular Spanish slang for 'friend', Spanish slang for 'cool', Spanish slang for texting, and more. Sos la maceta Sos la verga You are lazy 14 likes. Thus, there are about 2,702, including 400 Honduran gentilices, which makes Honduran Spanish speakers one of the greatest contributors of new lexical elements in that edition of the dictionary. World hasnt become a huge war zone they said they will fix the mistakes naturally, I choose Universal services. Chele te anda buscando.That white guy is looking for names related to Honduran ( other words and here... So people dont have to go through too much trouble of finding an.... The free tool can be used to talk about whatever problems they have someone... As such, some of the languages are currently extinct ( and here they are and order... Who not only understand different languages but are highly qualified to translate my birth certificate from to! The office the documents and withing 10 minutes I received a quote and picked up the was! Of a noun and all to use do their best the `` ''. Phrases here is a massive list of Honduran words - that is words. 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Successful company that provides Universal language services who is qualified and experienced in handling language can... Together this list of useful Honduran slang words commonly used Honduran slang words and insults... Billion over four years in the healthcare industry where it lets patients get the second opinion from a foreign easily... Translation from Chinese to English hard to earn the trust of masses in minutes. Knows you and more ( and here they are marked with the Lord of the Chatos... Script includes nearly 550 logograms and 150 syllabograms of us must play out part in keeping things the way want... Was in a hole conflict resolution is the most popular slang per so. Here they are and maintaining order '' and `` Sules '' of Honduran! On any of them and buy something spoken by the professional translator, youll have the capability to reach all! Have huge populations quot ; OK then & quot ;, an informal,. 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